Home Phone Services
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Internet services are currently unavailable for new customers.
We do offer Wireless Home Internet in your area but because it is popular, unfortunately we are unable to connect additional customers at this time. Leave us your contact information and we’ll be happy to reach out when additional capacity opens up in your area.
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Great news! Pure fibre Internet, the world’s fastest Internet technology, is available at your address.
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Great news! Home phone is available at your address. Order it on its own or in a bundle with TV and Internet to get more value.
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While pure fibre Internet is not available at your address, high‑speed Internet is.
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Great news! Wireless Home Internet is available at your address.
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Good news! High speed Internet is available at your address.
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The Home phone the most Canadians count on.1
- Reliability you can trust
- Great sound quality
- Affordable long distance plans

Home phone service
Home phone
local calling
Additional charges of $5 to $21 apply when combining with select features or services, based on location. Call us at 1 888 214-7896 for details.
A bundle packed with awesomeness.

A bundle packed with awesomeness.
Fibe Internet
- Download speeds of up to 500 Mbps
- Unlimited usage
- The best Wi-Fi technology
Fibe TV
The major networks and some of the most popular specialty channels like CBC, CTV and Global
View included channels - Fibe TV Box and Cloud PVR included
Home phone
- Up to 8 calling features
- 20¢/min. Canada and U.S. calling
Right now, pay only:
Current price $200.00/mo.
Offer details
Available to new residential customers, where access/technology permit. Subject to change without notice; not combinable with other offers. Customer must opt to receive paperless billing.
Your promotion consists of a monthly credit off the current price. The current price is subject to increase during your subscription. If the current price increases your monthly price will increase but you will continue to receive your monthly credit during the promotion. Pricing is based on continued subscription to: Fibe Good 3-service bundle at $170/mo. ($200/mo., less $30 credit for 12 months). Any change made to services may affect the price and/or result in the loss of credits or promotions, as the case may be, as eligibility conditions may vary.
Installation: Fibe TV: Includes installation of up to 2 additional Fibe TV Boxes.
Fibe TV: Each additional TV requires one Fibe TV Box ($8/mo. rental fee). TV equipment is rented and may be new or refurbished at Bell’s choice.
Fibe Internet: Fibe 500 Internet package : Download speed up to 500 Mbps. Upload speed up to 500 Mbps. Speed experienced on the Internet may vary with your technical configuration, Internet traffic, server, your environment, simultaneous use of IPTV (if applicable) and other factors. Modem must be returned upon deactivation.
Fibe is a trademark of Bell Canada.
Channel details
- Based on number of subscribers in Canada as of October 19, 2022.
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Additional CRTC regulated charge will apply to all residential customers living in the following communities:
Communities | Monthly charge |
Arnold's Cove | $1.05 |
Badger | $5.00 |
Bellevue | $5.00 |
Bell Island | $2.30 |
Belleoram | $1.05 |
Benoit's Cove | $4.20 |
Birchy Bay | $5.00 |
Bishop's Falls | $2.30 |
Black Duck Cove | $2.30 |
Bonavista | $1.15 |
Branch | $1.15 |
Brent's Cove | $4.20 |
Brig Bay | $5.00 |
Brigus | $4.20 |
Brown's Arm | $4.20 |
Burin | $1.15 |
Campbellton | $5.00 |
Cape Broyle | $1.05 |
Catalina | $1.15 |
Chapel Arm | $1.15 |
Charlottetown (Bonavista Bay) | $5.00 |
Codroy | $3.10 |
Come by Chance | $1.05 |
Comfort Cove - Newstead | $5.00 |
Cook's Harbour | $5.00 |
Coomb's Cove | $2.30 |
Degras | $5.00 |
Englee | $1.15 |
English Harbour East | $4.20 |
English Harbour West | $1.05 |
Fermeuse | $1.05 |
Fogo | $1.15 |
Forteau | $1.05 |
Garnish | $5.00 |
Gaultois | $1.05 |
Glenwood | $2.50 |
Green Island Cove | $2.30 |
Greenspond | $5.00 |
Greay River | $5.00 |
Griquet | $5.00 |
Harbour Main | $5.00 |
Harry's Harbour | $5.00 |
Hawkes Bay | $4.20 |
Heart's Delight | $5.00 |
Hermitage | $1.15 |
Hickman's Harbour | $5.00 |
Hillgrade | $5.00 |
Hillview | $5.00 |
Island Harbour | $2.30 |
Isle aux Morts | $4.20 |
Jackson's Arm | $1.15 |
Jamestoan | $5.00 |
Jeffreys | $5.00 |
Joe Batt's Arm | $1.05 |
King's Cove | $1.05 |
King's Point | $4.20 |
L'Anse Au Loup | $1.05 |
Lamaline | $5.00 |
Lark Harbour | $3.10 |
Little Bay | $2.30 |
Little Harbour | $2.30 |
Little Heart's Ease | $5.00 |
Long Harbour | $1.15 |
Long Pond | $2.50 |
Lourdes | $5.00 |
Lower Island Cove | $5.00 |
Lumsden | $2.30 |
Main Brook | $5.00 |
Marystown | $1.15 |
McIvers | $2.30 |
Milltown | $1.05 |
Ming's Bight | $4.20 |
Monroe | $5.00 |
Moreton's Harbour | $4.20 |
Musgravetown | $5.00 |
New Harbour | $1.15 |
Newman's Cove | $4.20 |
Norris Arm | $5.00 |
Northwest River | $5.00 |
Old Perlican | $1.15 |
Pasadena | $2.50 |
Plate Cove | $1.05 |
Port au Port | $4.20 |
Port Blandford | $5.00 |
Portugual Cove | $4.20 |
Pouch Cove | $2.50 |
Princeton | $5.00 |
Ramea | $5.00 |
Red Bay | $5.00 |
Reef's Harbour | $1.05 |
River of Ponds | $2.30 |
Roddickton | $1.15 |
Rose Blanche | $2.90 |
Rushoon | $5.00 |
Seal Cove (Fortune Bay) | $1.15 |
Seal Cove (White Bay) | $2.30 |
Seldom | $1.15 |
Sop's Arm | $1.05 |
South Brook | $4.20 |
St. Alban's | $1.05 |
St.Bride's | $5.00 |
St.George's | $5.00 |
St.Lewis | $5.00 |
Stephenville Crossing | $2.50 |
Summerford | $1.15 |
Summerside | $4.20 |
Torbay | $4.20 |
Trout River | $1.15 |
Upper Island Cove | $5.00 |
Western Bay | $2.30 |
Westport | $1.15 |
Whitbourne | $1.15 |
Wild Cove | $5.00 |
Witless Bay | $3.10 |
Woody Point | $4.20 |