Your current region: Nova Scotia
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Your current region: Nova Scotia change

Basic Long Distance Calling Rates

Long distance

Direct dial calling to other Canadian provinces

For calls originating in Nova Scotia and terminating in another parts of Canada excluding the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and northern British Columbia serviced by NorthwesTel.

Long distance rates
Calling distance (km)
Rates (per minute)
0-8 $0.56
9-20 $0.63
21-36 $0.69
37-56 $0.76
57-80 $0.81
81-110 $0.83
111-144 $0.85
145-180 $0.86
181-228 $0.88
229-290 $0.89
291-400 $0.91
401-680 $0.92
681-1200 $0.94
1201-1675 $0.95
1675+ $0.96